Photo by Joolze Dymond
‘Gillian produces inspiring artwork that audiences love. Artistically and technically she delivers at the highest level.’
Lucy Dusgate, Creative Producer of Lightwaves
at Salford Quays: International Commissioner, Creative Producer & Cultural Strategist
Sheffield Hallam University,
Doctor of Philosophy, Fine Art, focussing on the dynamic relation of person and place
Sheffield Hallam University
Masters Degree in Contemporary Fine Art, focussing on identity and location
University of Central England, Birmingham
Bachelor of Arts, Hons. Degree in Three Dimensional Design, specialising in Ceramics and Glass
2006 Arts Council England
Professional Development Award
2013 Arts Council England
Professional Development Award
Durran, Matt (2015) (Ed.). British Glass Biennale, Exhibition Catalogue.
Hobson, G (2015). The Light Archive, Lincoln: Pritchard.
Hobson, G (2015). Lightlines: Exploring Place and Self, Lincoln: Pritchard.
Candy, Linda and Samuel Ferguson (Eds.). (2014). Interactive Experience in the Digital Age: Evaluating New Art Practice, The Netherlands: Springer.
Joseph-Lester, Jaspar and Susanne Prinz and Julie Westerman (Eds.). (2013). TEGEL: Speculations and Propositions, Berlin: The Green Box.
Davies, Harriet and Bryan Eccleshall, Dale Holmes and Gillian Hobson (Eds.). (2010) MA Contemporary Fine Art: ‘You are here’, Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University Press.
Hobson, G, Triplow N (Ed.). (2010) Recovery: Steps, Roads, Pathways, Doncaster: RDaSH NHS Trust
Hoftijzer, Lisa (2008). 50 Distinguished Contemporary Artists in Glass, London: Intelligent Layman Publishers Ltd.
Public Collections
Broadfield House Glass Museum, UK
Museum of Nature in Art, UK
University of Central England, UK
Gill creates extraordinary environments filled with colour, image and light.
Using colour, projection, reflection and transparent materials, her sculptures range from the small to the large and are enjoyed in galleries, at festivals and at public events in outdoor spaces.
An artist with diverse experience delivering UK and international commissions and exhibitions, she regularly works with curators, producers and commissioners, alongside clients in the cultural, commercial, educational and public sector.
She makes art, presents at conferences, teaches and mentors, and enjoys working both independently or as part of a collaborative team. Recent activities include, solo & group showings in galleries, and at festivals and events in the public realm.
She regularly delivers talks and presentations at academic, conference and community events and is an experienced arts manager and specialist in creating environments for health & wellbeing contexts.
Selected Exhibitions and Events
2019 Loss & Lucidity, Braco de Prata, Lisbon
2019 Development Manager, Navigo Care, North East Lincolnshire
2016/19 Programme Lead Creative ENRG , Arts Council England Creative Local Growth Fund
2018 Installation Light Artist, Lightwaves, Salford Quays
2018 Installation Light Artist, Light Up Lancaster
2018 Installation Light Artist, Lightpool, Blackpool
2018 Installation Light Artist, Light Night Leeds
2018 SHINE Commissioned Artist, Light Up The North, UK
2017 Memory of Water, Hull Crime Noir Festival, UK
2017 Loss & Lucidity, Santoro Space, Santa Ana, California, United States
2017 Design & production of exterior artworks for Willow Wood Hospice.
Commissioned by Co-op Bank
2017 Your History of the Future, Commissioned for Warrington Contemporary Arts Festival
2017 Lead Artist, Through the Lens, Turner Prize Workshop, Hull
2016 Artist & Consultant developing targeted strategies for development and sustainability of the independent arts sector
2016 Engagement & Entrapment, Gallery GAIA, Seoul, South Korea
2015 Awarded Doctor of Philosophy, Sheffield Hallam University
2015 Shaping Light No.3, British Glass Biennale, Ruskin Glass Centre, UK
2015 Speaker, Society of Glass Technologists Conference, Murray Edwards College, Cambridge University, UK
2015 Lumen Prize 2015, Shortlisted artist
2015 Lightlines@RED Gallery, Hull, East Yorkshire
2015 Lightlines@The Ropewalk, Barton upon Humber, North Lincolnshire
2015 Lightlines Conference, Abbey Walk Gallery, North East Lincolnshire
2014 Speaker & Exhibitor, World Ornamental Forum, Kirschener Museum, Davos, Switzerland
2014 The Lightstain Series, 2021 Visual Arts, North Lincolnshire
2014 Lightlines@Abbey Walk Gallery, North Lincolnshire
2014 Lightlines Conference, Abbey Walk Gallery, North East Lincolnshire
2014 Creative Director, The Lightlines Project, Abbey Walk Gallery, North East Lincolnshire
2013 Lead Artist, The Ironstone Centre for Health & Social Care, commissioned by NHS Lincolnshire
2013 Project Manager, Articulate Arts & Health Project, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, South Yorkshire
2013 Tegel: Propositions and Speculations, Site Gallery, Sheffield
2013 Knowledge Exchange in Design, ARHC Research Residency, Site Gallery, Sheffield
2013 Lumiere, Artist moving image, Bloc Projects, Sheffield
2012 Speaker & Exhibitor, Belonging: Cultural Topographies of Identity, University College, Dublin, Ireland
2012 Research Associate, CAPE UK, Creating Sparks Programme, South Yorkshire
2012 Interference Patterns, Tegel: Flights of Fancy, Babylon Kino, Berlin, Germany
2012 St. Hughs Festival Commission, North East Lincolnshire
2012 Head & Whole 2: Talking Heads, Abbey Walk Gallery, North East Lincolnshire
2011 Research Associate, User Centered Healthcare, Sheffield Hallam University
2011 Out of the Dark, Abbey Walk Gallery, North Lincolnshire
2011 Research Associate, Light Logic, Site Gallery, Sheffield
2011 Research Associate, Light Logic, De Montfort University & Phoenix Digital Arts Leicester
2011 Awarded Master of Arts, Sheffield Hallam University
2010 Take Thirty, Broadfield House Glass Museum, West Midlands
2010 Negotiated Territories, SIA Gallery, Sheffield
2010 Objects and Artworks, Abbey Walk Gallery, North East Lincolnshire
2010 Accredited Coach for Creative Leadership, Relational Dynamics 1st/ Creative Partnerships UK
2009 Cohesion, Pyramid Gallery, York
2009 Magical Glass, The Beetroot Tree Gallery, Derby
2008/10 Lead Artist, The Sandfield House Arts Project, Rotherham, Doncaster & South Humber NHS Trust
2008 Objects and Artworks, Ropewalk Contemporary Art & Craft, North Lincolnshire
2008 Affordable Art Fair, Battersea, London
2008 Blast! 2008, Leathermarket Gallery, London
2008 Birmingham Art Fair, Gas Hall, Birmingham
2007/11 Creative Agent, Creative Partnerships Humber
2007 National Glass Centre, Sunderland
2007 Glass Threads, Broadfield House Glass Museum, West Midlands
2007 British Glass Showcase, British Embassy, Dubai
2007 Gibson Guitar Town London, O2 Arena, London
2007 Affordable Art Fair, London